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"Crush & Strain" Heather Honey

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"Crush & Strain" Heather Honey

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Delightfully woody and herbal, not so sweet, with a slightly bitter aftertaste and a robust and intense fragrance that suggests strong heather notes and a hint of caramel or Amaretto.

"Crush & Strain" Heather Honey, a rarity that only a few beekeepers offer, contains much more valuable components, like fermented pollen and has a more intense taste.

With a jelly-like consistency and a reddish to dark amber colouring, Hexapi Heather Honey is highly prized for its health and healing properties.

It is traditionally used to treat digestive disorders and kidney infections due to its abundant antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties.

All Hexapi Honey is made by Bees in Germany!

All our beekeepers and honey are annually certified organic by DE-ÖKO-006 and Bioland.

"Crush & Strain" Raw Organic Heather Honey (100% Pure, Raw & Organic)

Available Size: 250g.